Monday, March 19, 2012

How A Slow Race in the Rain Ended in a Barbarous Bouffant

Well it's obvious that I haven't updated the blog since the last few races. I am in Bozeman once again, and it's time for a little reminiscing. This past week was wet. I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty certain the entire time I was in West Yellowstone it didn't stop precipitating. The city was a lake, but luckily the races were pulled off without a hitch. 
I can't say that I have ever seen a more packed tent
Saturday's Pursuit Competition was much smoother than the Sprint for me, both physically and mentally. I barely noticed the rain, and it was good to have some company in the penalty lap. It was like a merry-go-round in there. I came in second, and I am happy.
Ain't no party like a Penalty Lap party
Unfortunately for me, I made a bet that if I were to be beaten by a woman in the Sprint, I would sacrifice my head of hair to the savage junior biathletes of America. I thought it would be team-building to make a joke-y bet with my friends, but I never expecteAnnelies Cook, fresh off of the World Cup, to beat me and continue that team-building on to actually letting these people shear my beautiful locks. Granted I had a poor showing in the Sprint, but it was pretty dang impressive to see how close the women's and men's results were. At least they had the decency to leave a memento of my old self right down the middle of my head. My mom always said I shouldn't make bets. I guess you live and you learn.
Never make bets kids. Just don't do it.
Sunday was the Mass Start Competition, and for the first time all week the clouds decided to rain from a slightly higher altitude, giving us some relief from the soaked shooting mats and sloppy starting gates. The race was really fun for me, and apart from not realizing that the little cap gun 'pop' was the starting gun, I had a decent race. Sean Doherty (NO relation) and I duked it out for a few laps, which was exciting. In the end I took another second place, which I am happy with. It's obvious that Sean's biathlon ability was beyond my reach for this season, and I wish him the best of luck in his next two years as a Youth athlete.
The Mass Start. I got to lead for a while there
I should also mention that even with the inclement weather, these championship races were executed incredibly well. I was really impressed with the organization and enthusiasm of the officials and volunteers. It really makes us athletes feel at home and welcome. Thanks.

Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. 
-John Ruskin  

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