Sunday, March 25, 2012

The 600 Club

Today marks a very significant day in a Nordic skier’s season: The Final Day. 

This is me grabbing the bull by the horns. It's a metaphor.
But that really happened.
Time to hit you with some knowledge:

Total Hours Trained in past 365 days: 

Total Kilometers (running, hiking, rollerskiing, biking, skiing, hillbounding, etc.) travelled on own power in past 365 days:
5,176 kilometers

Total Ascent in training on own power this season:
271,680 feet

Total Calories burned in training this season:
490,992 calories

So toodle pip last season. It's time to look forward to the summer months. I've been waiting to crack open some hiking books all winter.

And no, I'm not a super nerd. I have an awesome watch that calculates all these numbers for me. Follow my awesome adventures on the Recent Racing/Training tab on the right.

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